
FREE TALK: The Self pillars of The Other Leader

FREE TALK: The Self pillars of The Other Leader

Join us for an enlightening Free Talk session as we explore the 12 Pillars of The Other Leader, a transformative framework for developing true leadership.In this interactive session, we will delve into The Self pillars, uncovering its significance, practical applications, and the profound impact it can have on personal and professional growth. Discover how embracing these pillars can elevate your leadership skills and empower you to create positive change in your organisation and beyond.

  • Welcome and overview of the Free Talk session.
  • Brief introduction to The Other Leader and its mission.
  • Understanding the 12 Pillars of The Other Leader
  • Providing an overview of The Other Leader's 12 pillars and their importance in leadership development.
  • Exploring the underlying principles and values that guide each pillar.
  • Pillar 1: Who am I as a leader?
  • Exploring the concept of self-awareness and its role in effective leadership.
  • Discussing strategies and practices for understanding one's own strengths, values, and leadership style.
  • Pillar 2: Becoming a disciplined thinker
  • Examining the significance of critical thinking and disciplined decision-making in leadership.
  • Introducing techniques and frameworks for enhancing cognitive abilities and fostering clarity of thought.
  • Pillar 3: Generating energy
  • Understanding the importance of energy management for sustainable leadership.
  • Exploring practices and habits that help cultivate and maintain high levels of physical, mental, and emotional energy.
  • Pillar 4: Designing personal growth orientation
  • Discussing the value of continuous learning and personal development in leadership.
  • Introducing strategies for setting growth goals, seeking new experiences, and embracing lifelong learning.
  • Interactive Activities and Discussions
  • Engaging the audience in interactive exercises and discussions related to each pillar.
  • Encouraging participants to share insights, experiences, and challenges related to their own leadership journeys.
  • Key Takeaways and Reflection
  • Summarising the key concepts, insights, and practical takeaways from the session.
  • Encouraging participants to reflect on how they can apply the 12 Pillars of The Other Leader in their own leadership roles.
  • Q&A Session
  • Opening the floor for questions and answers, allowing participants to seek clarification and delve deeper into specific areas of interest.
  • Conclusion
  • Wrapping up the Free Talk session with a call to action for attendees to incorporate The Self pillars of The Other Leader into their leadership practice.
  • Providing information on how participants can further engage with The Other Leader's programs and resources.
  • To Be Announced Soon -


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What our Clients Say

"The only way we can change our lives is to change our energy — to change the electromagnetic field we are constantly broadcasting. In other words, to change our state of being, we have to change how we think and how we feel."
- Dr Joe Dispenza